Commercial and Retail Leases

A lease creates legal obligations between a landlord and tenant (now widely referred to as a lessor and a lessee) and usually requires commitment to a long-term financial arrangement. The documents are often complex, balancing the rights of all parties involved, and providing for numerous possible eventualities. Needless to say, it is important to understand exactly what is being committed to.

AB Morison Law can both draft and review lease documents and provide thoughtful, pinpoint advice with a quick turnaround time. You can feel empowered with plain English advice and a precise understanding of your rights and obligations under your lease agreements.

For Tenants

We will review your documents, including the lease and disclosure statement where the property is for retail premises.

As a tenant, you should understand your obligations under the lease, as often tenants are not aware that they are fully responsible for the maintenance of the premises throughout the term of the lease. Additionally, where the premises will be used for retail purposes, we will ensure that the lease meets the minimum required lease term of five years.

We will provide you with a detailed letter of advice going over the terms of the lease and carry out any negotiations or requests you have for amendments.

For Landlords

We will draft the lease documents and will liaise with the agent (where applicable) to obtain access to any prior agreements laying out terms between yourself and a tenant. Where a retail lease is required, we will also draft a disclosure statement and make sure that the disclosure requirements for when a tenant can sign documents have been met (fourteen days must pass from when disclosure statement and lease are provided before the tenant can sign).

We will ensure that the lease is drafted to protect your best interests, and once you are happy will help facilitate signing by providing a copy of the lease to the agent or to the tenant directly. We will engage in any further negotiations on your behalf as needed and arrange the final execution by all parties.


Lease drafting and advice from $1,100.00 (inc. GST)

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