Estate Disputes and Litigation
Unfortunately, the death of a family member or loved one can be a trigger for disputes between those left behind. These disputes are most commonly about whether a person has received less under the Will than was proper and fair in the circumstances. There are, however, a range of other disputes that can arise, ranging from questions about the validity of the Will to an executor failing to carry out their duties.
At AB Morison Law we take the time to understand your situation and priorities and then provide you with expert, straight-forward advice about your options. We know that these disputes can involve a lot of emotion; our aim is to help you make informed decisions to reach an efficient, cost-effective resolution that protects your rights, whether this means settling by negotiation or going to court.
AB Morison Law can provide advice about a variety of matters including:
- Making a claim against an estate for a larger share (Testator’s Family Maintenance claim);
- Defending a claim against an estate for a larger share;
- Challenging or defending the validity of a Will;
- Compelling an inactive executor to administer the estate or step aside; and
- Requiring an executor to provide beneficiaries with information about the estate.
Due to the complexities involved with estate disputes, please contact us directly to discuss this further.